Friday, January 27, 2012

Thought of the Day

So here’s a thought, or something I’ve been thinking about since I created this earlier.  How much do I really say and what will people assume to be truth or fiction?  I mean I could write all sorts of different twisted stuff, random things that pop into my head but could any of it be used against me?  Say, if a certain someone happened to come across this and knew who I was, could they use what is written in any way against me?  Or would it have to be proven that it’s truth and not me spouting shit?  *smirks*  It’s what I’ve been thinking about.

People write all sorts of things on their blogs.  Some people use it as a therapeutic outlet, others write fantasy or fiction stuff, others share their deepest and darkest thoughts, who knows what is true and what isn’t?  Would people reading automatically assume everything that is written is truth because it’s a blog?  Or would they have the common sense to understand and realize that anything read should be taken with a grain of salt?  

Like for instance, if I wrote out a detailed way on…oh I dunno..killing someone.  Dissecting someone slowly.  Would people think that I’m demented and twisted and those are my actual real life thoughts or would they assume that I’m writing something fiction in order to intrigue the readers?  Beyond that, anything written, does it hold any value anywhere?  Value to be used against you I mean?  

I suppose I’m wondering how much do I censor or how much do I allow my mind to travel as it will, down whatever road it wanders.  That’s the question of the day.

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