Friday, January 27, 2012

Introducing lil ol' me

So, I've decided to bite the bullet and create a blow.  I have no earthly idea what I'm going to write about but I figured, since I created it I might as well post my first blog posting.  This will probably just be a place I write random stuff, whatever enters this weird mind of mine will probably find it's way into a blog entry for whoever to read.  Chances are, it'll all just go into the black void that is cyber space but the goal is to be therapeutic right?  So, we shall see what I end up sharing on here.  For now let's just introduce myself.

My name, well we'll go with Rei for now.  I'm a separated mother of three children, who are my entire world.  Without them, who knows where I would be or even if I would be.  *smirks*  Sad, but true.  I'll probably talk about them plenty since my world revolves around them.  I'm also a full time student pursuing my MA in Psychology.  Yup, that's right folks.  This twisted mind is trying to understand herself and possibly help others in the process.  *laughs*  Granted, I think I just went into Psych because I want to know what makes people tick.  I tend to let my curiosity get the best of me..for better or worse. 

I'm an over all fun person to know.  A bit wild at times and a bit of a nut but hey, I can keep things interesting from time to time.  I'm huge on piercings and tattoos..hell body modifications period seems to be something that's up my alley.  I'm intrigued by the why behind everything.  I have a bit of a sadistic side, perhaps you'll come to see that later on.  Ah, there's so much I could say but I won't because I don't want everyone thinking I'm a freak right off the bat.  *laughs*  So instead I'll say...hmmm..*ponders*  We'll see where this blogging journey leads me.