Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Things Change...

People change.  Times change.  Everything changes and nothing ever stays the same.  That’s the one constant within life, that regardless of how we try to hold on to something..ultimately it changes.  I know this.  Deep inside of me I know this and believe it to be true but if that’s the case why do some things still bother me.  People move on and grow apart, this is truth.  It is baseline truth, a certainty, a given and yet it still seems to trouble me on some level.  

I was looking up quotes today, quotes by Marilyn Monroe and I have to say she’s a depressing sort of girl.  I mean we all know about her troubles and what not but some of the words that she said resound so deeply inside of me.  I get it, or at least I think I get it.  Or perhaps I understand it on a different level that’s more applicable to me.  

I’m sitting here at my desk just troubled.  Staring at this screen and the blinking cursor then glancing outside to the gloomy gray filled sky and I find myself blinking back tears.  Tears of what…I’m not sure.  Loss I suppose.  Remembrance…So many different reasons and yet if you were to ask me to list them for you I doubt I could.  Not that they aren’t there but instead I couldn’t find the words to correctly express what thoughts I’m currently having.  

People change.  Life changes….it is part of growing.  Part of growing up.  There isn’t much that I take for truth, for absolute undenying truth but change being inevitable is something I do believe without doubt.  Nothing, I repeat nothing, stays the same for very long.  Life is all about change.

“I believe that everything happens for a reason.  People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together”  ~Marilyn Monroe~